PHOTOGRAPHERS: Photographing Mature Asian Women is one
of the most open categories in the World, since most of the erotic photography featuring Asian women is teenage girls or women in
their "20s"... So, the opportunities are good right now!
Thus, if you can photograph Asian women in their 30s, 40s, 50s,
60s and 70s, you will be entering into a "niche" area with great
money potential, due to high demand and shortage of material!
Also, you get into less legal trouble with photographing an older
Asian Woman, due to avoiding problem of "Child Pornography".
Thus, an older Asian subject is less "risky" than photographing
a much younger Asian female subject.
And even if erotic photography is prohibited in your country, it's
again, perfectly "legal" in the U.S.A., Canada, and Europe.
Lady can be girlfriend, wife, friend, local lady from your city, town, village. Including entertainers, factory workers, students, etc. Still, nobody will care about the background of model as long as she is "legal" or over the age of 20...
ALL shapes, sizes, or look will be considered, because this is NOT "Beauty Contest"!!! Thus, unlike most other pictures Websites that
only seek young and pretty, we seek a "variety" of lady!
We welcome Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Thai, Cambodian, Indonesian, Pacific Islander, etc. So, if you're living in or travel to these or any of Asian Pacific Rim countries or belong to one
of these ethnic groups, please apply!
We welcome both Asian and NON-Asian photographers... Still,
if you are Asian, fluent in both English and an Asian language
the opportunities are especially good for you, due to having a
greater cultural insight and knowlege.
We will either builld you a Website where we split profits 50/50
and you earn money posting pictures of your models or we will
purchase your pictures from you... And this can help to recruit
more models. However, one good model can build a Website!
If you already have a Website or shoot for another Website we
can work out a deal to promote you here in exchange for rights
to use some pictures on this Website. So, talk to us, since we
want to promote good material and unique talent.
Click the "Apply" button on this Web Page for our Application.
Include sample photos with your Application and fee. Click on
"Contact" button for our address.
Nudity is NOT required in samples. Or model can cover face
in samples. We accept either film or Digital photos. We also
will accept Black & White film strip photos if you have private
lab for developing pictures. However, if you register you can
simply E-mail us sample audition poses, etc.