The prospects for single mature Asian women are really good right
now, due to aging male populations in the U.S.A. and Canada that
are not interested in beginning new families or dealing with issues
of dating much younger women...
Also, if a man has been around a bit; has retired, settled in his life, business, or been to Asia, he knows that in general, mature Asian women have a strong work ethic, a respect for family, as well as a respect for education and tradition.
Plus, there's the prospect of your learning or experiencing another culture and introducing someone to your own culture...
So, if you are an Asian lady Over 30, this puts you at an advantage, even over younger women within your own ethnic group.
Our personals service is easy to use, and more effective than most Internet based dating services, because you're not required to use
a credit card and can join by regular "snail mail"... And long before
the Internet, this was how it was Done!
Also, there are many ladies living in the Orient who simply DO NOT have ready access to a computer or the money to join a traditional Internet dating service... Thus, many potentially good ladies are left
out of the process.
So, if you're a mature Asian lady living overseas, your income or not having a computer should not limit your access to our service... You simply download and complete our form and "snail mail" it with your picture and the small member fee.
The member fee will vary based on country and relative exchange rates. So, if you live outside of the U.S., E-mail us for proper fee... However, fee is only $15.00 in the U.S.A. and Canada. Plus, we'll accept most foreign currencies, including Japanese Yen, Korean
Wan, British Pound Sterling, and Canadian Dollars.
This opens our service up to more people, and helps eliminate the worry over currency conversions... Simply cover up cash currency
with black or "carbon paper" and E-mail us when you mail out the payment, i.e., via snail mail, and we'll watch for it. The U.S.A. and Canadian Postal services are very secure. If cash is lost report it
to us and we'll alert the authorities to any theft patterns.
However, "Pay Pal" is one of most secure methods of transferring
or sending monetary payments...
Ladies may also submit pictures of themselves in exchange for a
FREE membership! And we will post the photos on our Website.
Also, posting a picture will increase your chances for responses.
It is best to post pictures wearing a swimsuit, "Bikini" or wearing a
a sexy dress? Or if you wear Panty & Bra or Lingerie, it is O.K. to
cover face or eyes in the pictures. However, nude photos are not
recommend for a dating or courtship situations.
You may also send negatives so that we can reproduce prints of
you to distribute to male members; or if photos are transparency
or "slide" you can mail us transparencies so we can make some
prints... Or you can make up a bunch of prints, so that if any mail
is forwarded to you, you can return a print to your respondents.
However, we will try to post your pictures in a special section of
Website so only members can view them.
PROCEDURE: Simply grab an E-mail from the above link or you
can use your own personal E-mail... Click on our Application link
and complete the form and "snail mail" to us. See Application.
NOTICE: We are NOT a "Match-making" or "Dating" service! We
will simply simply post or distribute photos; post advertisements,
contact information, etc. Or relay or forward letters or messages
to you. Thanks